
Freer Logic Wins Award for International Health Startup at Plug and Play Japan Winter/Spring 2021 Summit

TOKYO, March 21, 2021 -- 127 Startups and Corporate Partners Gave Their Pitches on The Hybrid Event in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. The summit was live-streamed at Tokyo (3/2-3/3), Kyoto (3/16), and Osaka (3/18), and 154 speakers went on the stage for Startup Pitches, Corporate Reverse Pitches, and Keynote Sessions.

brainAwards went to startups and corporate partners that collected the largest number of votes from the audience, celebrating their achievements and involvement to accelerate innovation and co-creation between startups and enterprises.

Freer Logic’s non-contact EEG Neurobiomonitor (NBM) created great interest among the voters at the summit. The NBM can collect neuro data without contacting a person. It is a discreet device that can be...

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Space4U Podcast: Peter Freer & Rita McKinnish – Play Attention

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#spacefoundation / #Space4U

In this episode:

We meet Peter Freer and Rita McKinnish.

Peter Freer is the founder and CEO of Unique Logic + Technology and Freer Logic, LLC. He holds a master’s degree in Education from Western Carolina University, specializing in Educational Technology, and is a veteran educator of 15 years. After experiencing the poor classroom performance of his students with attention difficulties, and the lack of educational tools to...

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Freer Logic Among 10 Most Advanced Automotive Tech Companies of 2020

Freer Logic

The Automotive landscape is labile in the midst of the current pandemic. However, one factor is constant, technological advancement. With the introduction of electric cars and self-driven cars, the automotive industry constantly seeks to improve driver and passenger safety. Development in creating a safe environment for all occupants will always be a priority. In the transition from manual driving to autonomous driving, only a handful of companies can provide transitional, viable technology...

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