Freer Logic Featured in Top 20 Automotive Technology Solution Providers 2020

peterFreer Logic’s story starts in the mid 1980s when its founder, Peter Freer, set on a mission to find a solution to his students’ problems. These students, suffering from attention defcit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), got easily distracted and were finding it difficult to concentrate.

Peter developed a technology that combined neuroscience with computer programming. It was designed to understand brain activity and help users improve their behavior by eliminating distracted habits and improving executive function.

Today, an advancement of this technology can empower a car to read the minds of its driver! It can determine when a driver is distracted or drowsy, all while not touching its subject. This technology, in the future, can pave way to bring down the number of deaths from texting while driving and falling asleep at the wheel.

There is more to the story.

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